I like to plan.
Actually, I obsessively plan every detail of my life.
I have a to-do list with easy things that I can
check off just to check off.
When my plans fail,
I quickly fashion an altenative.
I usually become attached to that alternative,
even if the orginal plan reopens.
Sometimes God likes to force me
to ask Him.
A couple of weeks ago this happened.
I made the pluge to study abroad in Ecuador,
and the trip was full.
I was devastated,
but I did not even let me mind fully comprehend it
because I was already fashioning the alternative.
The next day, a spot opened.
All of a sudden, I didn't know what to do.
Crazy, right?
If your plans get turned upside down twice,
they are right side up,
but it still makes you dizzy.
The night I broke down.
Listening to Bethany Dillon's sweet voice
I melted before the Lord.
I cried,
I prayed,
I knelt in front of my Christmas tree.
I finally decided that going to Ecuador was
in fact both my plan and God's plan.
Sometimes God wants us to reexamine a decision with Him.
My stomach is still in knots.
It is scary to live somewhere unknown for 4 weeks.
It will be an adventure,
but it will not be easy.
Making decisions can be messy.
Sometimes we need God to deliver us from our prideful plans.